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«Education For You» LTD → UK Higher Education Consulting Agency, +44 7736029798 , +44 2045773499
Our clients’ experiences matter to us. Read their testimonials and learn how we support students every step of the way in achieving their dreams.
Pharmaceutical Science, London Metropolitan University
Azi imi traiesc visul de a fi Studenta datorita tie - Irina, om frumos cu chip de inger.🤗🤗😇 Multumesc ❤️din suflet pentru suport, curaj si tot efortul pe care l-ai depus pentru mine.🤗 Nu cred ca imi ajung cuvinte pentru a-mi exprima toata recunostinta. Irina the best❤️ #studentadvisor👌.
Psychology, Solent University Southampton
This is my feedback regarding the successful cooperation with Irina and her highly professional team supporting me on my application attempt for this academic year. Throughout entire period I've been provided with tips and advises that made my application a smooth and stress free experience. I received help on my every question I had in a fast and friendly manner. As a result I got accepted for the University I applied for. Highly recommend her service because it's reliable and very helpful.
International Business, University of Roehampton
Very supportive and friendly, I truly recommend people to get the right informations and suporte with Irina What’s more, she is very professional and dedicated in what she does. Many thanks for helping me!!
Criminology and Psychology, London Metropolitan University
Irina and her professional team have been supporting me on my application for this academic year. I've been provided with tips and advice that made my application a smooth and successful experience. They helped me with every question I had in a fast and efficient manner. I've been admitted to the University I wanted to go to. I recommend their service because as a reliable and outstanding one.
Business Management, London Metropolitan University
Daca ai nevoie de ajutor pentru a te inscrie la studii, desigur recomand pe cea mai profesionista - Irina. Pe linga toate mai este si un omulet minunat, deschisa si mereu vine in ajutor. Eu sunt fericita ca Universul mi-a adus-o in cale. Oamenii nu vin din intimplare in viata noasta, am de invatat inca lucruri frumoase de la asa omulet. Iti doresc succese in toate si oameni recunoscatori pentru munca in care te dedici cu suflet si pentru ajutorul acordat fiecarui in parte. Education for you and Irina- the best team ever.💗🤗🤗
Architecture, London Metropolitan University
Draga Irina, îți multumesc din suflet ca ai apărut in calea mea și m-ai ajutat sa prind curaj și sa cred in mine! Recomand cu mare încredere sa apelați la Irina, o persoana foarte dedicată in ceea ce face, cu multă răbdare si mult respect. A reușit sa răspuns la orice întrebare( la foarte multe întrebări defapt 🙂 ), sa ma direcționează spre alegerea cea mai buna si mereu a fost pas cu pas lângă mine, chiar si după ce am inceput anul de învățământ, ea și-a găsit timp sa ma întrebe dacă sunt bine si să-mi ureze un gând bun in continuare! Niciodată nu e târziu sa crezi in tine si sa îți dai voie sa zbori !
Business Management, Anglia Ruskin University
Irina is an enthusiastic person and definitely the best recruiter by delivering willingness and guidance to absolute all requirements during the admission process and not only.If you like to study in UK then Irina will motivate and do this possible for you...
Business Management, London School of Business and Management
Great experience. I was really stressed with the entire process of applying for a University in the UK, plus I didn't know how to apply for a Student Loan. I heard good things about the recruitment agency from a few friends so I decided to try. They were really really helpful with everything. Very responsive and friendly. Irina guided and helped me with all my paperwork and documentation for Student Finance. Everything was for free and with her help i've been accepted to Londom School of Business and now I am in my second year. I would definitely recommend this company to everyone I know. ❤️
Business Management, London School of Business and Management
Best agency in London!! I applied for Business Managament in London, they were very fast and serious I just sent the documents and in the few days interview has been booked. Always disponible to help you with the student loan request and enrollment process. Many thanks to Irina. Great service, highly recomended! Best regards.